Pest Control Service

Why trust Evergreen Landscaping for your pest control service?
Our technicians have been treating fleas, ticks, grubs, ants and mosquitos for almost 3 decades and have learned a thing or two about riding your property of unwanted pests!
Make life easy and bundle your weed control, fertilization, and pest control together which is not only convenient but cost-effective too! Our experienced, licensed technician will initially come out to apply an interior and exterior barrier for pests such as spiders, ants, scorpions, and other pesky insects.

Integrated Pest Management for Exterior Maintenance
After your first application, routine exterior pest applications will be coordinated with your weed control program. Routine exterior applications keep a pest free barrier around the perimeter of your home that will decrease the need for chemical applications inside your home. We work smart so you can save money smart!
- Flee and Tick Application (to be applied every 6 weeks through the season)
- Grub Control (up to 2 granular applications needed for these pests that eat the roots of your lawn)
- Gophers, Moles, & Voles (we offer a poison bait system or a trapping system)
- Mole Crickets (they create mounds of dirt in your lawn and are treated in the late summer and fall months)